Sunday, April 21, 2019

Concepts of Culture and Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concepts of Culture and Society - Research Paper ExampleThere are divergent elements of grow and social forces that continuously influence us as an individual in society. These elements not only differentiate us from people belonging to other cultures but also help us stick to our canonical values and traditions. Some of the most important elements of culture and social forces influencing us include language, values, religion, social organization, and arts and literature.Values are the cultural standards, which help us determine what is right and what is wrong whereas norms are the rules of a culture, which tell us how to birth in a society. either culture has its own norms and values, which distinguish people from one another.Language helps us communicate our feelings to other people around us. People speaking the same language usually share a common culture. However, in some societies people speak different languages due to different cultural backgrounds. This element of c ulture makes a person identified as a person belonging to some specific culture.Social organization is another basic element of a culture. Social organization refers to the collection of institutions, social groups, classes, and social forces such as family and relatives, which form a society. Every individual has different social grouping and class in a society, which distinguishes him or her from other individuals active in a society.Socialization is a very complex process, which helps a person think and behave according to what is considered worthy (Berns, 2010, p. 12). Socializing agents such as family, school, peer groups, engine room, workplace, religion, and state influence us as individuals in a society.The social views, political views, and social norms and values portrayed by the mass media and technology put a deep impact on the thoughts of every individual distinguishing him or her from other individuals.piece of work is another socializing

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